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European Website on Integration

Living in Ireland

Crosscare Migrant Project is a non-government information and advocacy project that provides information to intending, existing and returning Irish emigrants and migrants to Ireland, and also works to achieve positive change in migration-related policy. It is an integration website for immigrants living in Ireland and is a project of Crosscare, the Social Care Agency of the Dublin Archdiocese.

Project Goal

Living in Ireland is an easy-to-use, multi-purpose resource created by Crosscare Migrant Project. It provides general information on rights in five languages as well as exploring culture, language, history, society and participation in Ireland. It is not a definitive guide to living in Ireland but a starting point from which residents and citizens can engage in mutual interaction and exchange. A voluntary forum called the Living in Ireland Website Group (LIIWG) assists in the further development of this website. The LIIWG meets regularly to decide on the content and layout of the website. 

How it works

Information is uploaded in 5 different languages on different aspects to living in Ireland. Information includes immigrant information, working in Ireland, housing, health, education, welfare, community, culture and society.


The website is very detailed providing comprehensive information on all aspects of living in Ireland, for the migrant population of Ireland.


This project is deemed as very successful and has been approved for co-financing by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund. It has also received the support of the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality & Pobal.

Who benefits

CAll migrants of all age groups as well as their families are the beneficiaries. The focus is on information giving.

Funding and resources

This project is co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

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