07Nov2024Estonia: International Humanitarian Assistance Conference The Estonian Refugee Council is holding its second International Humanitarian Assistance Conference on 7 November in Tallinn. This year’s conference
17-18Oct2024Slovakia: Forum of Ukrainian civic associations and initiatives The second annual Forum of Ukrainian Civic Associations and Initiatives in Slovakia, organised by civic association Ukrainians in Slovakia SME SPOLU
11 October 2024Slovakia: Changes to education legislation for children from Ukraine In response to the educational needs of children displaced from Ukraine, amendments to existing legislation were introduced in Slovakia. The Lex...
09 October 2024Slovakia: Evaluation of integration support programme in primary schools This report evaluates the innovative pilot programme offering psychosocial support for Ukrainian students at selected primary schools in Bratislava...
08-09Oct2024Estonia: Integration Window 2024 Organised by Tallinn Migration Centre and funded by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the Integration Window 2024 conference-expo is a unique
07 October 2024Slovakia: UNICEF project for those displaced from Ukraine extended The National Institute for Education and Youth in Slovakia, an official educational body at the national level which also addresses issues of...
03 October 2024Latvia: Data, needs and public attitudes concerning those displaced from Ukraine This report from Providus examines challenges in the support and integration of people displaced from Ukraine in Latvia. Conducted from January -...
02 October 2024France: Favoriser l’intégration professionnelle des personnes réfugiées En réponse à une saisine de la Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés, la Plateforme RSE a identifié les facteurs...
01Oct2024Estonia: Presentation of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum In the spring of 2024, the European Union institutions approved a new Migration and Asylum Pact which provides Member States with a strong legal basis
27-29Sep-Oct2024Train the trainer series: Migrant & black, indigenous and people of colour organising Migrant & Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Organizing European Alternatives is launching a new 'train the trainer' series, entitled ' Migrant &