This section contains news related to migrant integration across the EU. The news items cover initiatives of the European Commission (EC) and other EU-wide updates, as well as the latest developments on integration from the different EU countries sourced by the EWSI editorial team.
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Integration news (15701)
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Malta: Integration strategy and action plan 2025 - 2030
Malta launched its Integration strategy and action plan 2025 - 2030. This is the second integration strategy for Malta, with the first running from...

Sweden: Government announces new integration barometer
The Swedish government announced the development of an "integration barometer" to regularly measure differences between people born in the country and...

Slovakia: Progress and challenges in the integration of people displaced from Ukraine
Since the outbreak of the ongoing agression against Ukraine by Russia in 2022, almost 136 000 people, predominantly women, children, and older adults...

Estonia: Funding available for language and culture projects supporting young people displaced from Ukraine
The government in Estonia made funding available for projects providing opportunities for young people displaced from Ukraine, aged 19 and under, to...

Denmark: Government launches its first action plan to fight racism
The Danish government presented a new action plan comprising 36 new initiatives designed to reduce incidents of racism and strengthen civil society...

Portugal: Growing contribution of migrants to social security system
Foreign workers in Portugal paid 3 654 million euros into the national social security system in 2024, accounting for 12% of the total 29 billion...

Estonia: Red Cross medication subsidies for people displaced from Ukraine
People displaced from Ukraine who have chronic illnesses can now apply for 'pharmacy aid' via a subsidy of 120 EUR from the Estonian Red Cross. A...

Czech Republic: Adaptation of students from Ukraine
The arrival of thousands of children from Ukraine in Czech schools, since the outbreak of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia, is posing...

Hungary: Cultural knowledge requirement introduced for permanent residence
Third-country nationals (TCNs) applying for a National Residence Card or an EU Residence Card in Hungary are now required to pass a Hungarian cultural...

Hungary: Resources for those displaced from Ukraine and professionals supporting them
The Terre des hommes Foundation in Hungary (Tdh), as part of its Building Bridges project, developed 4 valuable resources to support refugee families...