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15 April 2024

Portuguese Refugee Council launches language learning books for refugees

Conselho Português para os Refugiados (CPR) logo, stylisedimage of a yellow plannet with two black hands hugging it, name of the organisation with black letters against white background

The Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR) launched two publications to help asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection to learn Portuguese.

The first publication is entitled 'Literacy notebook for speakers of other languages'. It comes in two interconnected parts, the first offering 115 reproducible exercise sheets, and the second bringing methodology and strategies. Another publication is entitled 'Book of sociocultural activities' and includes playful, cultural and artistic activities meant to involve people of different cultural and linguistic origins.

Author Isabel Galvão, who is also the coordinator of the Portuguese Foreign Language at the CPR, said: 'These printed materials are intended for people who are in a very fragile and very vulnerable situation. In order to have access to the job market, to [...] different services and to be able to stay in Portugal, they need to learn Portuguese'.

The publications are part of the Interaction for Inclusion project of the CPR, financed via the EU's Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF) fund. All materials can be downloaded for free from the CPR website.

Image of the covers of the three publications

Image: the covers of the three publications. ©Portuguese Refugee Council (CPR)

Literacy notebook for speakers of other languages (in Portuguese)
(3.98 MB - PDF)
Literacy notebook - methodology and strategies (in Portuguese)
(12.94 MB - PDF)
Book of sociocultural activities (in Portuguese)
(4.09 MB - PDF)


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Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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