01Oct2024Estonia: Presentation of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum In the spring of 2024, the European Union institutions approved a new Migration and Asylum Pact which provides Member States with a strong legal basis
20-28Sep2024Slovakia: [fjúžn] festival The Milan Šimečka Foundation is organising the 19th edition of the multi-genre [fjúžn] festival, which will take place from 20 - 28 September. The
11Sep2024France : Favoriser l'intégration professionnelle des personnes réfugiées En réponse à une saisine de la Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (DIAIR), la Plateforme RSE - plateforme
02Sep2024Poland: International integration practices - lessons learned A number of actors in migration and integration in Poland are organising a webinar on migrant integration practices in European and North American
02 September 2024Poland: Employers call for a more open, welcoming labour immigration policy 11 employer organisations in Poland issued a joint appeal to the government, calling for an "open and welcoming approach to legal and sustainable...
28 August 2024Deutschland: Grüne fordern Abschaffung des Arbeitsverbots für Geflüchtete zur Bekämpfung des Fachkräftemangels Angesichts des anhaltenden Fachkräftemangels in Deutschland fordern die Grünen umfassende Maßnahmen, um die Integration von Geflüchteten in den...
26 August 2024Estonia: Education in Ukrainian to be reduced As of the 2024 academic year, there will be fewer separate classes delivered in Ukrainian only in Estonian schools, as more Ukrainian students...
26 August 2024Poland: Almost half of foreign workforce overqualified According to a recently published report by the Polish Economic Institute, citing recent Eurostat data, nearly half of the foreigners working in...
21 August 2024Poland: Immigration as a rescue for the economy and social benefits This report, commissioned by the Employers of the Republic of Poland (one of the country's largest employers' associations), finds that current labour...
18-24Aug2024Czech Republic: Summer school on migration studies 2024 The Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE), a research institute affiliated with the department of social geography and regional development at the