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Development and Implementation of Social Mediation Mechanism for Access to Social Services of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Persons with Humanitarian Status with Special Needs

The project envisages the creation of a network of 10 trained social mediators recruited from the refugee community to provide social services to vulnerable asylum seekers  and newly recognized refugees.

Project Goal


Asylum seekers and newly recognized refugees in Bulgaria cannot rely on mechanisms for support in the new environment because they do not know Bulgarian language, they are not aware of their rights and obligations and are often victims of xenophobia. On one hand, these factors hinder their access to social services. On the other, government officials, health institutions, municipalities and municipal services are still unaware of the rights of asylum seekers, refugee and foreigners with humanitarian status and often do not speak any foreign languages. Usually the most vulnerable groups among the refugees - the elderly, chronically ill and disabled, victims of torture, large families, those with single parents and unaccompanied refugee minors – first give up the fight for their rights and access to social services. While the current legal framework is comprehensive and well developed, there are some practical difficulties in the integration of persons with refugee status or humanitarian status. It is therefore necessary to develop and implement special measures for the integration of specific groups. 



How it works

The project involves the following actions:


  1. Raising public awareness among refugee communities about the project, development of selection criteria for those wishing to be trained for social mediators, development of project documentation, materials and publicity;
  2.  Implementation of social mediation mechanism through recruitment, training and testing the potential candidates. Setting the foundations of a network of intermediaries (social workers) from the refugee community;
  3. Development of professional qualification, practical skills and specific skills in support of secondary integration of representatives of the refugee community and tailor made social services in the initial phase of integration of newly recognized refugees from vulnerable groups.
  4. Provision of special mechanisms for facilitated communication and interaction between vulnerable groups and state institutions, municipalities or other related to the integration into Bulgarian society state bodies.
  5. Providing specialized and intensive care through the support of other refugees who are trained to work with state institutions, know their rights, obligations and opportunities in health services, social assistance and social services, education, housing, vocational training and access to labor market in Sofia, Nova Zagora and Banya.
  6. Getting acquainted with the specifics of the provision of social mediation in small towns.




10 foreigners with refugee status and humanitarian status trained to provide social mediation.


Financial audit was performed successfully. Second project phase was funded by the EIF and is being implemented in 2012.

Out of 10 trained mediators, 9 passed successfully the final exam. 

Who benefits

Vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees during a period of 12 months after being granted international protection.

Funding and resources

European refugee fund, BG ERF 2009/01-D3.01

Overall budget:16 550 EUR

Human resources: 1 project manager, 1 project coordinator, 3 trainers, 1 accountant, 1 evaluator

About this good practice


Posted by
Zvezda Vankova

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