On 11 December 2024 a new law - Law No. 187/2024 - was published which introduces urgent provisions concerning the entry of foreign workers into Italy...
In 2025, Lithuania’s Refugee Reception Centre will be restructured to become the Reception and Integration Agency. The new agency will operate under...
Le programme d’Accompagnement Global et Individualisé des Réfugiés (AGIR) a pour objectif d’accompagner les réfugiés vers l’emploi et le logement. Il...
This is the 24th publication in the Foreigners in the Czech Republic series published by the Czech Statistical Office. It focuses on statistical data...
The Protection for All Minors programme, implemented by INTERSOS Hellas in collaboration with the Network for Children’s Rights and launched in August...
Housing is a cornerstone of stability for migrants and refugees, playing a vital role in their successful integration into society. The affordability...