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European Website on Integration
21 March 2024

Hungary: New online platform for third-country nationals

Flag of Hungary

A new website was launched for refugees and other third-country nationals (TCNs) in Hungary to facilitate their access to reliable, understandable information on employment and related residence and work permits, applications and processes.

The website was created by the organisation Menedék Egyesület, with the support of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Hungary as part of the Supplementary Integration Services and Employment-Related Information Provision for Displaced Persons from Ukraine project. The aim of the project is to provide information on employment-related issues to displaced persons from Ukraine, in addition to complex integration services.

The website provides detailed information on the Hungarian labour market, including in relation to temporary work agencies, the Hungarian labour law, residence and work permits, and the most important offices and institutions concerned with the employment of foreigners. A step-by-step guide on relevant application processes is also provided, as well as a list of necessary documents and certificates. Importantly, website users can also find information about labour exploitation and a summary of the main signs of exploitative employment, and essential relevant contact information.

The website is available in 4 languages, Hungarian, English, Ukrainian and Russian.


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Posted by
Boglárka Budai
Country Coordinator

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