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European Website on Integration

How to submit content

About the website

The European Website on Integration (EWSI) is an initiative of the European Commission and falls under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs. EWSI is the only website bringing news, good practices, analyses and more on migrant integration on both EU and country levels. The content on the website is written and added by the Editorial Team comprised of external integration experts which manage the website for the EC.

EWSI readers are also welcome to submit content ideas and drafts – see how below.


EWSI’s audience includes professionals working on or interested in the field of migrant integration, including:

  • EU insititutions
  • integration practitioners
  • national, regional and local administrations in the EU27, as well as from outside the EU
  • civil society, including migrant organisations
  • international organisations
  • social partners (trade unions and employers bodies)
  • academia
  • the media
  • the general public

Eligible content

To be eligible for publication on EWSI, content should be focused on developments of European or national importance (1) that are shaping, describing, or analysing the integration (2) of people of third-country background who are legally residing in the EU27 (3).

Readers are welcome to submit the following types of content:

Integration practices. Articles about good practices in integration are quite valuable to practitioners, with EWSI holding one of the biggest available collections of successful projects in the field. These good practices include small- or large-scale projects that have the potential to inspire other initiatives and be replicated elsewhere. Good practices should have clear goals and be already evaluated (1) and/or innovative (2). If you believe a project you run or know about constitutes a good practice, contact the editors to confirm and receive a template to fill in. See examples of integration practices.

Documents. The documents section features relevant publications such as reports, analyses, pieces of legislation and action plans, statistics and more which cover issues related to integration on the EU- as well as on national level. Note that short snapshots such as factsheets, infographics, statistical summaries, flyers, booklets, websites, etc. are not eligible as standalone articles. See examples of documents.

News articles. News articles bring newsworthy content related to integration developments such as (proposals for) changes in legislation, the latest statistics and trends, national debates, campaigns, competitions, new organisations and networks, surveys, calls for proposals, calls for actions (public consultations, fundraising, crowdfunding, etc.), and calls for abstracts or papers, among others. See examples of news articles.

Events. EWSI also publishes announcements for events related to the integration of third-country nationals, such as training sessions, courses, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, workshops, seminars and more. Please note that such submissions should be send well ahead of time in order to ensure they bring value to readers. Reports or summaries of events that have already taken place are not eligible for this section. See examples of events.

How to submit content

Please contact the Editorial Team through the website’s contact form and briefly describe the content idea you have and how it relates to integration. The editors will get back to you to confirm if your content suggestion is fit for publication on EWSI and guide you through the submission of possible drafts.

Interesting submissions will also be featured in the EWSI newsletter. Subscribe to receive monthly updates in your inbox, too.


Publication dates