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European Website on Integration

AIM - Acceptance, Integration, Migrants

Within the framework of the EU Community Initiative EQUAL,  the AIM project included transnational and networking activities focusing on  employment for asylum seekers and foreign minors.

AIM is a platform of exchange and a peer review tool for the community of experts of the different countries involved in the project.

Project Goal

The main project goal was to create common, more advanced solutions and make them visible in the field of employment, health care and social services for asylum seekers and unaccompanied foreign minors. In addition, the project promoted interaction between policymakers, NGOs and different stakeholders of the different countries.

How it works

The AIM project built on 7 key activities:

  1. Comparative research on language & culture mediation
  2. Exchange of experiences and know-how on good practices about social and labour integration for young asylum seekers and separated children
  3. Developing models of integration
  4. Elaboration of common solutions for the insertion of young asylum seekers and separated children into the labour market
  5. Development of the competencies of social operators/professionals via peer review workshops
  6. Development of the website as a platform to create a transnational community of experts and to support networking on unaccompanied minors– children asylum seekers
  7. Raising pubic awareness through the development of mass media products such as videos regarding discrimination of young asylum seekers/unaccompanied minors


  • A European study on the actual changes in the status of intercultural mediation in European countries focusing on: training; qualification; employment.
  • A CD-Rom with a selection of best practices at local level on the acceptance of unaccompanied minors/asylum seekers in European countries under a grid based on: innovation; flexibility and adaptability to different contests; results – importance; beneficiaries’ participation; production of an actual change.
  • A handbook for social operators who work on labour insertion bridging between companies and young migrants.
  • A vademecum, “Guidelines – encounters in the labour market”, with a methodology aimed to create, throughout a structured interaction between young and companies/local entities/organisations, manageable projects and encounters.
  • A video “Migrants Paths”, on acceptance and integration of migrant minors in Europe to raise awareness in public opinion, social workers, companies and institutions.
  • Website: including a forum for minors of the different countries involved to post their own pictures and their digital diaries


Not available for the moment

Who benefits

  • 450 Asylum seekers
  • 1300 Unaccompanied foreign minors

Funding and resources

Budget: 422.933 Euros ( 99% attributed by the European Commission and 1% co-financed by the States)

About this good practice


Posted by
Asteria Kalamara

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