This section of the website contains one of the biggest collection of good practices on integration, identified and added by the EWSI team. See more about the definition and selection criteria for good practices.
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Integration practices (1470)
Showing results 1 to 10

Romania: Cluj Migrant Council
The establishment of the Cluj Migrant Council is an outcome of the AMIF-funded MigrantVoicesHeard project, implemented by a consortium of the...

Luxembourg: Projet Motiro
Le Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) cherche à travers le projet Motirõ à améliorer la santé mentale (réduction du risque de suicide, de dépression et de...

Lithuania: PITCH project
PITCH was a 3-year EU-funded project designed to develop and implement local integration strategies for migrant women. It created a model for gender...

Accompagnement de la mobilisation citoyenne autour de l'hébergement des personnes exilées
L’ Observatoire de l’hébergement citoyen dans le Rhône, porté par Synergies Migrations en association avec 6 associations membres, a pour objectif de...

Luxembourg: Integr'Emploi
Ce projet offre du formation spécialisée en langue et culture en milieu professionnel. Le projet répond à un défi crucial : améliorer les capacités...

France: Dispositif e.CARE
Créé en 2020 pour lutter contre les inégalités sociales de santé, le dispositif e.CARE s’inscrit dans l’écosystème santé-précarité de la métropole...

Italy: NO CAP
NO CAP was established in 2011 by activist Yvan Sagnet, a migrant worker exploited in the farms in south of Italy (in Apulia region). It is a social...

Belgium: Asylum seeker reception centre hosts scout camp
The 9th Scout Unit in Jette, Brussels, chose to pitch its tents in Belgium this summer, at the 'Chantecler' asylum seeker reception centre in Oignies...

Finland: Integration Partnership Programme
The Integration Partnership Programme, run by Finland's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, supports the effectiveness of integration work by...

Denmark: LGBT Asylum
Since 2012, LGBT Asylum - founded through collaboration between LGBTQI+ asylum seekers and LGBTQI+ persons with Danish citizenship - has been...