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European Website on Integration

Integration practices

This section of the website contains one of the biggest collection of good practices on integration, identified and added by the EWSI team. See more about the definition and selection criteria for good practices.

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Integration practices (1447)


Showing results 1 to 10

Luxembourg: Programme Tandem

Dans une société luxembourgeoise fortement métissée, le programme TANDEM jumelle un·e enfant avec une marraine/un parrain bénévole. Pendant 12 mois et...

Greece: 'Road to adulthood' project

The “Road to Adulthood – Mentorship helping migrant and refugee unaccompanied minors navigate adulthood” project supported unaccompanied children and...

France : Dispositif d’insertion PIETRA

La plate-forme PIETRA ( Programme d’insertion par l’emploi et le travail) est un dispositif d’intermédiation vers et dans l’emploi qui travaillle...

Luxembourg: LeiLaW project

A partir du constat qu’ il y a un manque d'utilisation des outils juridiques protégeant les victimes ou les victimes potentielles de violence basées...

SAFE project

The 'Foster cooperation for improving access to protection' (SAFE) project was a 3-year initiative implemented and coordinated by Forum réfugiés, in...

ABCD4ME project

The Apps Based Competence Development for Migrant Entrepreneurship (ABCD4ME) project supports the development of migrants' entrepreneurial qualities...

ORIENT8 project

ORIENT8 is a social mentoring programme supported by smart digital tools and tailored activities. It pairs newly-arrived third-country nationals (TCNs...