This section of the website contains one of the biggest collection of good practices on integration, identified and added by the EWSI team. See more about the definition and selection criteria for good practices.
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Integration practices (1455)
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2incING project
The 2incING project promoted refugee and migrant participation in the design and implementation of integration and related policies at local, regional...
The Netherlands: 'The Thuisgevers' project
Due to the ongoing shortage in the Dutch housing market, many municipalities are facing a shortage of affordable housing. As a result, refugees with...
Spain: Conexus programme
The Conexus Incubation Programme, managed by SINGA Barcelona, supports migrant entrepreneurs with free group and individual mentoring. It focuses on...
Greece: National emergency response mechanism
The National Emergency Response Mechanism (NERM), initially designed by the Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors (now the...
Spain: Post-traumatic growth intervention for refugees
This project offered a safe, community-based space to refugees in which they could share and acknowledge their migration 'stories', with the goal of...
Bulgaria: 'Photo Workshop 66' project
Photo Workshop 66 is a month-long, free photo workshop for unaccompanied minors from the Middle East in Sofia, Bulgaria. The documentary workshop aims...
Spain: FRIDA project
The FRIDA project was conducted by the OBERAXE, the Spanish Observatory on Racism and Xenophobia, which belongs to the General Directorate of...
Spain: 'Izan Harrera' project
In 2024, the fith edition of IZAN HARRERA was launched by SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa. The project involves local volunteers mentoring refugees and asylum...
Luxembourg: Programme Tandem
Dans une société luxembourgeoise fortement métissée, le programme TANDEM jumelle un·e enfant avec une marraine/un parrain bénévole. Pendant 12 mois et...
Greece: 'Road to adulthood' project
The “Road to Adulthood – Mentorship helping migrant and refugee unaccompanied minors navigate adulthood” project supported unaccompanied children and...