This section features relevant publications such as reports, analyses, legislation and statistics. The documents cited are published by the European Commission (EC) or third parties, and cover issues related to integration at the EU and national level.
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Documents (11343)
Showing results 1 to 10
Hungary: Socio-economic insights survey 2024
The Socio-economic insights survey (SEIS) 2024, published by UNHCR, offers a detailed overview of the complex challenges faced by people displaced...
Sirius Watch 2024: Towards better data for migrant education
The SIRIUS network published a mapping of data availability on migrant education across the EU. SIRIUS - the international leading policy network on...
Slovakia: Mapping temporary protection conditions
This study by the Human Rights League maps the conditions and standards for the provision of temporary refuge and related rights to people displaced...
Cyprus: EMN factsheet 2023
The "EMN Country Factsheet 2023: Cyprus" provides a comprehensive overview of Cyprus' developments in migration and international protection for 2023...
Integration of the foreign population in the Spanish labour force
Introduction The integration of foreign workers into the labour market is essential for promoting social cohesion and reducing economic inequalities...
Slovakia: Evaluation of integration support programme in primary schools
This report evaluates the innovative pilot programme offering psychosocial support for Ukrainian students at selected primary schools in Bratislava...
La santé au fil du temps et des générations : dynamique des inégalités sociales de santé parmi les immigrés et leurs descendants
Ce document, publié en mai 2024, de travail s’intéresse à l’état de santé des immigrés et descendants d’immigrés en France et à son évolution au fil...
Latvia: Data, needs and public attitudes concerning those displaced from Ukraine
This report from Providus examines challenges in the support and integration of people displaced from Ukraine in Latvia. Conducted from January -...
France: Favoriser l’intégration professionnelle des personnes réfugiées
En réponse à une saisine de la Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés, la Plateforme RSE a identifié les facteurs...
Integration of foreign students into the Spanish education system
The integration of foreign students into the education system is essential for fostering social cohesion and reducing inequalities. Education plays a...