This section contains news related to migrant integration across the EU. The news items cover initiatives of the European Commission (EC) and other EU-wide updates, as well as the latest developments on integration from the different EU countries sourced by the EWSI editorial team.
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Integration news (15692)
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Hungary: Cultural knowledge requirement introduced for permanent residence
Third-country nationals (TCNs) applying for a National Residence Card or an EU Residence Card in Hungary are now required to pass a Hungarian cultural...

Hungary: Resources for those displaced from Ukraine and professionals supporting them
The Terre des hommes Foundation in Hungary (Tdh), as part of its Building Bridges project, developed 4 valuable resources to support refugee families...

Hungary: Vocational training for Ukrainian healthcare professionals
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Hungary launched a specialised vocational training programme designed to support Ukrainian...

Sweden: Government action plan to combat racism and hate crime
The Swedish government adopted a new action plan to combat racism and hate crime. The action plan (available in Swedish: Handlingsplan mot rasism och...

Portugal: New platform to promote migrant labour market integration
Lisbon City Council (CML) approved the development of a new digital platform to facilitate the integration of migrants into the city's labour market...

Finland: New government regulation on civic orientation for migrant integration
The Government of Finland added new regulations to the the reformed Integration Act that entered into force at the beginning of 2025. The Integration...

Czech Republic: Labour Office launches new project to support the integration of foreigners
The Czech Labour Office launched the Integration into the Labour Market and Support for Foreigners in the Czech Republic project at the end of 2024...

Sweden: Government adopts new integration policy objective
The Swedish government adopted a new integration policy objective. This follows the publication of a report by a government inquiry on the country's...

Portugal: CLAIM network expansion continues
The Local Centre for Migrant Integration (CLAIM) network continues to expand across Portugal, with a new centre inaugurated in the northern...

Czech Republic: Solutions sought to stabilise funding for non-profit organisations
An executive order issued by US President Donald Trump, which has suspended international aid for 90 days, poses a threat to some non-profit...