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Croatia: 11th Refugee Week

Centar za mirovne studije, Zagreb

Civil society organisations are coordinating a week of events and activities for the eleventh 'refugee week', taking place from 10 - 28 June 2024 across Croatia.

The events will open up space for discussion and dialogue in the context of the increasing number of refugees in Croatia and worldwide. Some activities are part of the "Access to services, exchange of approaches and practices" project, co-financed by the European Union Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF) and the Office for civil society organisations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and the "Together for Better" project co-financed by the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy. 

Different events will examine challenges related to refugee integration facing the state - such as the language barrier, access to health and social services - and their potential solutions. All those interested are invited to join panels, exhibitions, lectures, concerts, art workshops and numerous other activities, and will have the opportunity to get to know each other and to advocate for equal rights for all refugees.

Croatia: 11th Refugee Week
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Practical information

Multiple languages
Coordination for Integration, Centre for Peace Studies
Posted by
Drago Zuparic
Country Coordinator

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