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EMN Estonia: Expert seminar on illegal employment of third-country nationals

Logo of European Migration Network Estonia

EMN Estonia is organising an expert seminar on 12 June 2024, in Talinn, to discuss issues related to the illegal employment of third-country nationals (TCNs).

Labour migration of third-country nationals has become a central issue in many countries' migration policies. Several European Union (EU) countries have seen a significant increase in the share of labour migration, and there are economic sectors that have become dependent on foreign labour. In the context of increased labour migration, the EU and its Member States are also focusing on tackling illegal employment as one of the drivers of irregular immigration. Illegal work has a very wide impact and significant economic consequences, with major implications for national social and fiscal policies and the protection of individual rights. 

The seminar will involve presentations and discussion by experts from Estonia and neighbouring countries. By bringing together representatives of the authorities active in the field, EMN Estonia aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and contacts and to promote joint efforts in the fight against illegal employment.  

The working language of the seminar will be English, with simultaneous translation into Estonian. 

Practical information

European Union House (Rävala pst 4), Tallinn
European Migration Network Estonia
Posted by
Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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