The rate at which newly arrived asylum-seekers in Sweden are able to integrate into the labour market continues to increase.
This increase is clearly visibly on the graph below, sometimes called 'the brush'. It shows how consecutive cohorts of immigrants are reaching the same level of integration in the labour market more quickly over time.
Of those immigrants that arrived in Sweden in 2010, after nine years 54.2 % were found to be employed. For those that arrived in 2011 this level of integration in the labour market was reached one year earlier, after eight years. For immigrants arriving in 2015 (and despite the fact that the number of new arrivals was very high that year) this level was achieved after just four years.
The graph shows the so-called 'establishment rate' of newly arrived immigrants from 2010 – 2018, measured according to length of stay in Sweden with outcomes up to and including 2019.
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