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European Website on Integration
23 May 2019

Students from third countries and asylum seekers can now work legally in Cyprus


The Cypriot Ministry of Employment, Welfare and Social Affairs published decrees on 10 May 2019 allowing third-country national students and asylum seekers to work legally in Cyprus. According to the decrees, these individuals can now work in the hotel and food industries.

The decrees state that students from outside the EU who were already in Cyprus by 10 May 2019 may work in the food industry and in restaurants/leisure centres, provided they have a valid residence permit of at least six months. They are required to have an employment contract with their employer, accompanied by a timetable of their studies. The decree also notes that their working hours should not coincide with the hours of their lessons.

Additionally, hotels, restaurants and leisure centres are now allowed to employ asylum seekers as kitchen assistants and cleaners. The asylum seeker employees are required to have their employment contracts approved by the Department of Labour. As a result, these decrees help enhance the employment opportunities available to asylum seekers in Cyprus. Up until now, they were only allowed to seek employment in a limited number of occupations in agriculture, manufacturing, waste management and a few other specific fields.

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Savvas Charalambous
Country Coordinator

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