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07 June 2023

Slovakia: Vietnamese community granted national minority status

Flag of Slovakia

On 7 June the Vietnamese community became the 14th national group to be officially recognised as a 'national minority' in Slovakia. The recognition came about following recommendations from the Slovak Government Council for Human Rights, National Minorities, and Gender Equality, based on expert opinion from the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

This development is essential to the recognition and visibility of the Vietnamese community in Slovak society, and to the support and protection of their rights, including through offering greater support for the promotion of Vietnamese culture and language from the Fund for the Support of the Culture of National Minorities. The symbolic recognition by the government also highlights to the wider public the importance of respecting Vietnamese community and culture.

The Vietnamese community - which comprises almost 3 000 people, according to the national census of 2021 - has been present in Slovakia for more than 70 years, and is integrated well. Third-generation young people from this community speak Slovak fluently, are successful in their professional fields, and contribute to the prosperity of Slovakia.


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Posted by
Martina Sekulova
Country Coordinator

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