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10 October 2024

Portugal: Complaints portal for migrants and refugees

Flag of Portugal

NGO Humans Before Borders (HBB) launched an online complaints portal - - for migrants and refugees.

The portal allows users to 'report' problems - such as instances of abuse, mistreatment, and neglect - they have experienced or are experiencing. These examples will be collected and used in communications and campaigns aiming to increase public awareness of such issues and promote coverage by the media. 

Raul Manarte, representing HBB, said to the Observador news outlet: "We have felt the need for this project because we came across several discriminatory situations involving migrant and refugee population in Portugal, who were unable to find answers at the level of the structures”.

The portal is being publicised across the social networks of HBB and is currently accessible in Portuguese and English. Planning is underway to make it available in Farsi, Hindu, Urdu, Ukrainian and Nepalese.


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Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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