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25 April 2023

Lithuania: Restriction of visas for Russian and Belarusian nationals

Flag of Lithuania

On 4 April Lithuania passed a special law that restricts the obtaining of visas for Russian and Belarusian nationals, as well as real estate purchases and applications for residence permits for Russian nationals. The law will be in place until 3 May 2024.

An earlier measure suspending Russian and Belarussian visa applications was introduced in Lithuania soon after the war in Ukraine started in February 2022. According to the country's migration department, though, 2022 saw more Russian and Belarusian nationals moving to Lithuania than in the previous year. Twice as many Russian citizens applied for residence permits than in 2021, for example, totaling almost 4 000.

The most frequently cited grounds on which Russian citizens apply for residence permits in Lithuania are family reunification or employment.


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Posted by
Giedre Blazyte
Country Coordinator

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