On 30 June 2023 amendments to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians in Latvia come into effect. According to the amendments, primary assistance such as housing and sustenance for civilians fleeing the war in Ukraine will be extended to 31 December 2023. Other types of support have no deadline: Ukrainian civilians have the same access to the social support system as locals.
Stipulations included in the law include:
- The Office of Citizenship and Migration affairs issues a temporary residence permit for a period of two years to Ukrainian civilians eligible for temporary protection.
- From 1 July, those fleeing the war in Ukraine have the right to attend free cultural orientation and Latvian language training courses.
- The state will continue to provide primary housing and sustenance support for those fleeing Ukraine, and reimbursement for their settlement will be effective until 31 December 2023.
Major related challenges remain in education, with NGOs expressing concern about the lack of a clear policy regarding the enrolment of children from Ukraine in Latvian schools.
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