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European Website on Integration
09 February 2017

Ireland: Communities Integration Fund now available


Minister of State with responsibility for Integration, Immigration and Equality David Stanton has announced that applications are now open under the Communities Integration Fund. A total of €500,000 will be made available in 2017 for local community based groups to promote integration in their respective area through sporting clubs, faith-based groups, theatrical and cultural organisations, etc.

The intention is to provide funding and support for communities across Ireland to play a greater role in promoting integration. Activities may include measures to:

  • introduce newly arrived migrants to the community,
  • further encourage migrant participation in local civil and cultural activities,
  • encourage their involvement in local sports clubs, theatre groups, youth clubs, after school clubs, scouts, dancing troupes, choirs, etc.
  • link migrants with (employment) opportunities in the community.

This funding has been created as a part of the National Migrant Integration Strategy 2017-2020 and can grant up to a maximum of €5,000  to each initiative, depending on the size and nature of the project.

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Teresa Buczkowska
Country Coordinator

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