The European Commission (EC) is now accepting calls for proposals for project grants under the call for Transnational Actions on Asylum, Migration and Integration (AMIF-2023-TF2-AG-CALL). The call is part of the 2023-2025 AMIF Work Programme managed by the EC's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) and includes 6 topics. These topics are directly related to the goals of the EU's 2021-2027 Action plan for integration and inclusion. The overall budget available across all topics is EUR 40 million.
Topic 1: Promoting community sponsorship schemes and integration of persons in need of international protection
The overall objective of this topic is to expand the number of EU countries running such schemes. The topic also aims to increase the commitment of sponsors and involve diverse stakeholders, including migrant communities. Priority is given to activities offering housing solutions. Supported activities may include and are not limited to: providing
- projects fostering the complementarity of state- and community-run schemes;
- raising awareness;
- improving the processes matching donors and beneficiaries;
- involving local communities;
- attracting donors;
- creating and evaluating pilot projects.
Topic 2: Integration and inclusion at regional and local level
The objective of this topic is to help develop and implement local integration strategies and foster migrants' inclusion at the local and regional levels. Proposals that include the design of concrete good practices and their dissemination through transnational cooperation between relevant stakeholders will be considered particularly relevant. Possible activities include and are not limited to:
- designing and implementing local integration strategies to speed up access to services, help find employment, etc.;
- providing various forms of training;
- running volunteering, 'buddying' or mentoring activities;
- training cultural mediators or interpreters;
- creating know-how and best practices;
- creating rural partnerships ensuring migrants' inclusion in rural areas.
Topic 3: Support to integration in education of migrant children and young adults
This topic aims to foster effective language learning in formal and non-formal education for migrant children by involving local stakeholders, including schools, NGOs, local and regional authorities, and migrant-led organisations. Activities that can be funded include and are not limited to:
- mobilising local support and building partnerships between key stakeholders;
- organising conferences and workshops to develop relevant methodology and exchanges of good practices;
- running pilot projects and upscaling of good practices;
- coaching or mentoring activities with or without a linguistic component;
- dissemination and network-building among stakeholders;
- organising trainings for service providers;
- involving migrant communities as a facilitator;
- activities directed at migrant parents.
Topic 4: Multi-stakeholder initiatives for migrant integration into the labour market
Proposals under this topic should help:
- strengthen the cooperation between labour market actors and migrants;
- advance the effective inclusion of migrants in the labour market early and at a level adequate to their qualifications;
- contribute to a better matching of the skills of migrants already in the EU and the needs of the EU labour markets;
- promote inclusive workplaces, including by raising awareness about and tackling discrimination.
Proposals may include activities including and not limited to:
- developing of innovative approaches to labour market integration;
- upscaling of established good practices;
- providing trainings to stakeholders;
- running workshops, conferences and other activities to create and strengthen partnerships.
Proposals are encouraged to take into account the specific needs of migrant women.
Topic 5: Promoting complementary pathways linked to work
The overall objective of this topic is to increase the impact and the sustainability of complementary labour pathways, both in terms of the numbers of admissions and the quality of the programmes. Activities that may be supported under this topic include and are not limited to activities:
- engaging national authorities to fill information gaps and create closer cooperation across policy for faster and simpler admission procedures;
- mobilising support and building strong partnerships between key stakeholders;
- developing and providing training to stakeholders, especially to companies and employer organisations and building on good practices;
- organising conferences, workshops and awareness-raising activities;
- engaging companies to take part in complementary pathways in both urban and rural settings;
- mobilising diaspora communities;
- improving the processes of matching companies and job offers with people in need of international protection;
- training companies to ensure their sustainable commitment and support to workers;
- running pilot projects on work-related complementary pathways leading to actual admission and job placement;
- supporting programmes for skilled people in need of international protection;
- providing information within third countries hosting refugees.
Topic 6: Transnational actions to support Member States in the field of protection of children in migration
The objective of this topic is to stimulate the exchange of good practices and knowledge among various relevant actors on the types of support to be given to guardians of unaccompanied migrant children based on their specific needs. Activities that can be funded include and are not limited to:
- organising conferences, workshops, seminars, thematic meetings;
- organising study visits;
- creating exchange programs;
- developing sustainable training modules;
- developing practical support applicable in different contexts;
- providing training to public or private actors who provide support to guardians.
Further information
The deadline for submission of proposals under all topics is 16 May 2023, 17:00 CET. Information about the evaluation of proposals is expected to be available in the period December 2023 – January 2024.
The proposals for grants under the different topics need to meet specific requirements, including in terms of the type of partners included in the applying consortia. For all details about the specific requirements under the different topics, as well as to learn more about the submission process, please consult the original call.
Those interested can also register as external experts to help evaluate the proposals received under the call by 1 May 2023.
- Publication dates
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- Geographic area
- EU Wide
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Labour migration
EU Wide
Funding opportunity
Local level
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