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26 July 2024

Czech Republic: Housing support increased for people displaced from Ukraine

Flag Czech Republic EWSI

On 17 July the Czech government approved an alteration to the housing allowance available to those displaced from Ukraine (the so-called 'eligible housing cost'), which is one of the components of the humanitarian support granted by the state to this group. From 1 August, the allowance granted will change to 6 000 CZK (or about 236) monthly for vulnerable persons and 4 000 CZK (or about 158) for everyone else.

This change comes about alongside other changes in housing support for people displaced from Ukraine that take effect on 1 September 2024. State-funded humanitarian accommodation for vulnerable individuals will come to an end, and the period in which state-funded accommodation is provided to people newly arrived from Ukraine will be shortened from 150 days to 90 days.

Further, for a household (wherein individuals are assessed as a group), eligible housing costs for a maximum of 5 people will be taken into account, with vulnerable persons considered first. This change will affect approximately 11 600 people who have been living in state-funded accommodation for more than 150 days. NGOs have highlighted a risk that following the end of state-funded accommodation some people may be unable to afford the rental costs of commercial accommodation.


Publication dates
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Posted by
Jan Dítko
Country Coordinator

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