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16 February 2024

Croatia: Language courses for foreign workers

Flag of Croatia

In order to facilitate the successful integration of foreign workers in Croatia, the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family, and Social Policy is preparing a system for the implementation and funding of Croatian language learning. This will involve the delivery of short educational programmes in Croatian within several key sectors, such as construction and architecture, tourism and hospitality, trade and services, and processing and food industries. This will be integrated into the voucher system for the education of employed and unemployed individuals developed within the National Operational Programme for Human Resources, and will fall under the responsibility of the Croatian Employment Service.

Support for foreign worker participants in the Croatian language learning programme will begin in the first quarter of 2024 and will be provided by career guidance services and Career Information and Counseling Centres (CISOK) in the regional offices of the Croatian Employment Service. The main goal of these centres - of which there are currently 17 in operation - is to enhance users' capacities for lifelong career development.

The number of employers and entrepreneurs ensuring language learning opportunities for their employees continues to grow. The training sessions are conducted in person, online, or in a hybrid format, depending on the preferences of the companies. Currently, funding for these education programmes is mainly provided by employers, with some support from the local community. The city of Zagreb announced plans to invest €150 000 in Croatian language learning for foreign workers.


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Drago Zuparic
Country Coordinator

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