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20 March 2020

UNHCR report on municipal housing policies in Bulgaria (2020)


The study ‘Municipal housing policies: a key factor for successful local integration’ provides an updated picture of municipal housing policies in Bulgaria—particularly, the extent to which they reflect the housing needs of beneficiaries of international protection.

The report features best practices from thirteen European countries on housing for persons receiving international protection (after leaving reception centres or other forms of collective accommodation).

In the context of a dynamic migration situation in the country, the report hopes to contribute to solutions to address marginalisation and homelessness, particularly as these problems often generate a negative social and political reaction against vulnerable people.

The study was funded by the UNHCR Bulgaria and conducted by Snezhina Gabova, a researcher at the Sofia Development Association.

Housing study
(3.05 MB - PDF)
Good practices
(468.06 KB - PDF)
Good practices (English)
(384.54 KB - PDF)
Housing study (English)
(3.05 MB - PDF)


Snezhina Gabova
Geographic area
Contributor type
International organisation
Original source
Posted by
Bistra Ivanova
Country Coordinator

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