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Training programme for migrant associations

The training programme for migrants’ associations is dedicated to associations dealing directly with immigrants in Duesseldorf. Its objective is to raise the quality of the services they provide.

Project Goal

The City of Duesseldorf considers associations as key local partners that play a fundamental role for achieving integration. The main goal of the training programme is to raise the standard of services for immigrants provided by the associations. Rather than repeating services already provided by the associations, the Municipality assists them in better delivering their services and in improving their quality.

How it works

In cooperation with consultants with experience in training migrant associations and advisory councils, the municipality organizes training workshops for the staff of the associations. The topics of these seminars include issues such as project management and development, public relations, fundraising, or working in cooperation.


• Better cooperation between migrant associations • Better qualified staff of the associations • Better quality of the services provided by the associations


The seminars are accompanied by both oral and written questions such as relevance to participants’ daily work, topics to be added, methodological quality, etc. The feedback has been positive and participants have requested further trainings/ seminars. The Office for Integration of the city of Duesseldorf has noticed that the quality of grant applications submitted by the associations has significantly improved since the training was set up

Who benefits

Local migrant associations

Funding and resources

Source of funding: City of Duesseldorf Annual budget for the trainings: 4.000 EUR

About this good practice


Posted by
Dirk Gebhardt

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