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Promotion of second language acquisition in German kindergarten ( identified via a study undertaken by the Committee of the Regions)

The challenge is to begin the language development of children with immigrant backgrounds as early as possible in order to increase educational opportunities along with social integration.

Project Goal


The challenge is to begin the language development of children with immigrant backgrounds as early as possible in order to increase educational opportunities along with social integration.



How it works



The special education system involves ensuring children with a migration background begin (German) language development as early as possible in order to enhance their opportunities for education and their social and professional integration. This is achieved through totally free visits to the region’s kindergartens along with the use of intercultural educators. The intercultural educators (current number 80) have received special training (3 years course). This service is available for all children and their families with an immigrant background in Lower Austria. The intercultural educators are employed in addition to normal staff.


Intercultural educators are sent to a particular Kindergarten at the request of the director of the Kindergarten’s board. In general this is organised at the beginning of each Kindergarten year. However there is also enough flexibility to rearrange if necessary during the year. One intercultural educator works at the same time for several Kindergarten. Mostly the educator spends 1 week in one Kindergarten, then goes on to the next.   




The programme has been introduced in Lower Austria in 1992. The total number of Kindergarten is 1.073, which are located in villages distributed around 26 administrative districts. However, not all Kindergarten are provided with intercultural educators.



Indicators have not yet been introduced to measure outcomes. However the children are described and observed by teachers in the Kindergarten.

This project shows how to organise and provide a special education system in rural areas for children and their parents with specific needs, without segregating them from children without a migration background.


Who benefits

The target group is children with a migration background aged between 2.5 and 6 (pre-school and Kindergarten). The project aims to improve these children’s German language skills.

Funding and resources

The project is funded by the regional state budget. The cost for 80 educators is covered by the budget, which is about 160 000 €/year.

The project is part of a national action plan.

About this good practice


Posted by
Alexandre Kirchberger

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