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European Website on Integration

National Integration Dinner

The National Integration Dinner brings people with different backgrounds together. They prepare a dish from their own country for each other and they eat together. During diner, they speak about the differences and the similarities between people. This takes place all over the Netherlands. Integration dinners are organised for young, old, with newcomer status, refugees, people with a migrant background and native Dutch.

Project Goal

People can be afraid of differences, find it difficult to put themselves in the shoes of the other or understand each other. But in modern day society, we have to work and live together. We want to show that differences make us interesting and that it's worth getting to know each other. The goal of the national integration diner is to create more understanding and respect for other cultures and improve cooperation within companies / society.

How it works

Organizations throughout the country are asked to participate. To either organise a diner or go to the dinner organised by someone else. Those who participate bring people together who they wish to connect. They cook for each other and dine together. The National Integration Dinner organization supports with information, inspiration and materials to make the event a success. This support is free of charge.


In 2011, 500 people participated. In 2012, 7,000. In 2013, 10,500. Over 200 companies and other organizations joined. For 2014, the goal is to reach 15,000 participants.


We evaluate both the number of participants and the manner in which their personal goals were reached. Participants rate the National Integration Dinner with a 9 on a scale of 10. Of the organizations which participated, 96% joined again the next year.

Who benefits

The organizations; their people will work together better. And the individual participants. They get to show their culture and ‘celebrate the differences’ between people. Society as a whole are more ties between different individuals are spun. And more acceptance for differences is attained.

Funding and resources

The National Integration Dinner is funded by Asito. Organizations who participate only pay for the food at their own Dinners. The support is free of charge. Asito has a team of 3 people working on the National Integration Dinner.

About this good practice


Posted by
Laura Coello Eertink
Country Coordinator

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