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LU: Magazine for society, culture and integration

The magazine provides information for the Bosnian population on Luxembourgish society and for the luxembourgish population about Bosnian culture

Project Goal

The magazine is multilingual and distributed all over the Grand Duchy for the purpose of mutual understanding between these cultures.

How it works

The magazine has 4 annual editions, each with 4 chapters:

  1. daily life of Bosnians in Luxembourg,
  2. the integration process,
  3. news from Bosnia and Sandjak
  4. maintaining the cultural identity of Bosnians in Luxembourg.


Luxembourgish readers were reached as well as institutions like the National Literature Center of Luxembourg.


No evaluation has been carried out.  It is hoped that improved information of Bosniacs living in Luxembourg promotes integration.

Who benefits

Bosnians living in Luxembourg, as well as the Luxembourgish population.

Funding and resources

Half by OLAI (National Integration Office) and European Integration Fund for third country nationals with the help of CLAE.

About this good practice


Posted by
Serge Kollwelter
Country Coordinator

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