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Experience migration

Immigrants develop methods and approaches in intercultural education, to make migration comprehensible and test this in practice with children, young people and multipliers.

Xenophobia, intolerance, violence and right-wing extremism are still issues in Saxony-Anhalt. The project responds to this by realizing with children, young people and opinion leaders in institutions for children and youth services and schools intercultural education adapted on the specific needs of East Germany and based on the personal experiences of immigrants illustrating their personal life plan.

Project Goal

The very low proportion of foreigners in Saxony-Anhalt is one reason why many citizens have very few experiences with people from other cultures. The educational work of the project is therefore the authentic encounter with the "foreigners"and provides teaching resources, the understanding of the situation of immigrants and create intercultural competence.

Overall objective 1: Immigrants are involved in the project


  • Boosting self-confidence
  • Strengthen the skills
  • Promoting of social participation

Overall objective 2: Children, young people and multipliers reduce prejudice and xenophobic attitudes


  • Make migration for the local people tangible and comprehensible
  • Awareness of the situation of migrants in Germany
  • Continuous and sustained prevention work by the conclusion of cooperation agreements with schools


Overall objective 3: Children, young people and multipliers acquire intercultural competence


  • Self-reflection of the participants
  • Cultural awareness
  • Allow a change of perspective


Overall objective 4: Development of methods and approaches of intercultural education


  • Practical review of the methods and approaches
  • Elaboration of a manual


How it works

1. Brainstorming

At various locations in Saxony-Anhalt workshops will be conducted with immigrants. In the selection of migrants, it is appreciated that they have different migration experiences and backgrounds, so that the results of the workshops vary as much as possible.
The aim of the workshops is the development of future courses of action to make the local people the reason and the nature of migration tangible and comprehensible. These approaches can be practices, actions and concepts for project days and project weeks, but also personal stories or artistic discussions on the topic of migration.

2. Testing

First, the search and training of suitable lecturers is in the foreground. The lecturers should have a migrant background to convey the theme as authentic as possible. In regular meetings they are made familiar with the action approaches, try it yourself and prepare necessary equipment.
The testing and implementation of the approaches takes place in the context of project days, project weeks, seminars and workshops with children, young people and opinion leaders in the institutions of the children- and youth-oriented services, schools and training facilities at these locations.
Interested organizations will be informed by flyers, posters, participation in networks and personal contacts and get them as a partner. Here the conclusion of cooperation agreements will be sought with the facilities to provide continuity and sustainability of educational work.
The implementation of the events will be documented and evaluated afterwards. Where appropriate, the approaches according to personal experiences and evaluations will be modified.

3. Development of a guideline

The results of the courses are incorporated into an action guide that will be prepared and passed in printed form as a handout to interested multipliers. This documentation of results can be presented in the form of seminars with practical exercises to the interested public.
The goal is to reach as many people as possible to raise their awareness of the needs of immigrants and to provide food for thought.


Results of the first and second year:

Objective 1:

  • 24 migrants as actors
  • 8 methods were (newly) developed, 3 future workshops and 32 working meetings took place
  • 83 events, 26 partners

Objective 2:

  • 83 events, 3241 participants
  • Positive feedback of the participants according to the analysis of the questionnaires

Objective 3:

  • Positive feedback of the participants according to the analysis of the questionnaires

Objective 4:

  • 83 events, positive feedback of the participants
  • 8 methods were (newly) developed


The evaluation is done internally via subscriber lists and is accompanied externally. As part of the external monitoring student questionnaires, teacher questionnaires and questionnaires for the lecturers were prepared. The student questionnaires are used from the 7th grade. The students and teachers are asked about the person or class, the workshop and general statements on the subject.
The lecturers are asked about their satisfaction with the event, in their role as a lecturer, the impression left by the students.
A first interim analysis showed that the project offers students a different learning experience by learning to be coupled with information sharing and fun. The lecturers are experiencing a great response from the interventions, which is also reflected in the questionnaires of students and teachers.

Who benefits

  • Children from 3 years in kindergarden and primary school
  • Children and young people in schools, vocational training and leisure activities
  • Multipliers: teachers, educators, social workers, educators
  • The project annually to about 1,500 persons of the target group are reached.

Funding and resources

The project is funded by the European Integration Fund (EIF) with about 75% for 3 years and trough "grants for activities and projects for the integration of repatriates and foreigners" by the state of Saxony-Anhalt, with about 25% for 3 years.
The annual budget for the project amounts to approximately € 89,000.
Full-time employees in the project are a social worker as a project manager and a lecturer with an migration background. In addition, about 24 lecturers with migration background on a fee basis or reimbursement of expenses. Some members of the staff have the degree as a coach "A World of Difference ".

About this good practice


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Migration erlebbar machen Zeitungsartikel
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Migration erlebbar machen Flyer
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