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Ethnic minority youth in detention (AJID Allochtone Jongeren In Detentie)

Public Procecutor, Contactgroep Allochtonen Helmond, Reclassering Nederland & Bijzonder Jeugdwerk Brabant initiated a project to re-integrate ex Maroccan youth delinquents in society.

Project Goal

Maroccan youth in detention has more risk of falling back into crime after their release. Understanding the ethnic background of the youth delinquent is of importance for the re-integration chances and effectiveness of the resocialisation process. Main goal is to decrease the chance that young men fall into redicivism. This is reached by means of following subgoals:
1. Resociale youth in prolonged detention
2. Coaching of youth during and after detention
3. offer specific support concerning dept repayment, jop mediation and housing
4. Facilitate the finetuning of communication between the youth delinquents networks (family, friends etc)

How it works

Personal coaching of former youth delinquents of Maroccan descent. The youth delinquent can voluntarily be connected to a personal coach of the same ethnic background.
The traject starts during detention period and the coach is avaiable for 24/7. The key words are trust and active guidance.
In the period after detention the contactmoments between youngster and coach are frequent (daily during first two weeks after release). The method is based on outreaching and is focused on the future.


According to Verwey-Jonker Instituut who evaluated the project, They did found a smaller recidivism-rate under participants of the AJID project compared to national recidivism percentages. Nevertheless, it is too soon to make conclusions about long-term effects.


The project was evaluated in 2003 by the Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

Who benefits

- Regional government,
- social organisations on resocialisation projects and/or ethnic minority youth,
- after-care institutions,
- the former youth delinquents themselves.

Funding and resources

The Ministry of Justice

About this good practice


Posted by
Krista Schram
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