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The aim of the project is to provide special services to unaccompanied minor immigrants in Slovakia. We offer psychological help, Slovak language classes and social activities. The objective is to ensure the optimal psychosocial development, adaptation to the unfamiliar environment and minimize the shock.

Project Goal

The goal is to help every minor immigrant found on the Slovak territory with their adaptation to life in Slovakia. It´s also important to warn them about the risks of human trafficking as many of them escape in search of better opportunities.

How it works

In Slovakia there are 2 Houses for unaccompanied minors – joined with the orphanages. One is located in north-west Slovakia close to the boarders with the Czech republic and the other one in eastern Slovakia by Ukraine. When the child is found on Slovak territory, it is immediately placed in the orphanage. After the medical examination we start with the activities – in each orphanage we have a Psychologist, a Social counsellor and a Teacher of the Slovak language. They agree on the dates with the staff of the orphanage and develop the activities. The project is being monitored on a regular basis by the Project Manager.


Since 2010 when we started with the Project (called Bakhita), we have helped many children staying for a shorter or longer period of time in the Slovak Republic. We have provided them with the information and knowledge concerning the cultural norms in Slovakia, basis of the Slovak langage, warned them about the risks of human trafficking which is currently a big threat to this vulnerable group.


The Project Progress Reports are written every 3 months with the aim of reflexion and evaluation of the project. Then they are communicated to the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak republic. Possible suggestions can be taken into consideration and changed.

Who benefits

In the first place, the immigrants themselves will benefit as they are provided with the attention and service they need. The information they receive might be of use in the future.

Other Slovak children placed in the orphanage also benefit from this encounter as they can fight the stereotypes this way.

Funding and resources

Slovak Ministry of Interior, European Fund for the Integration of Third-country nationals within the Programme “Solidarity”

About this good practice


Posted by
Martina Sekulova
Country Coordinator

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