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12 February 2022

Slovakia: New funding opportunity for national minorities

Flag of Slovakia

The Fund for the Support of the Culture of National Minorities (Fond na podporu kultúry národnostných menšín - FPKNM) published a new call for applications for grants or scholarships for 2022.

Under this call, Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Hungarian, Moravian, German, Polish, Roma, Ruthenian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Jewish minority group members can apply for funding for initiatives that preserve, express, protect and develop the identity and cultural values of national minorities, and for education and training on the rights of persons belonging to national minorities. Activities may include artistic and educational activities, education in the area of human rights, analytical or expert activities, publishing activities or research, among others.

More information on the call, requirements and all other necessary information can be found here.

The deadline for applications is 15 March 2022.

The Fund for the Support of the Culture of National Minorities call 1/2022
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Martina Sekulova
Country Coordinator

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