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29 March 2024

Poland: Financial support ends for private hosts of people displaced from Ukraine

Flag of Poland

As part of a proposed amendment to the Act on providing assistance to Ukrainian citizens, the Polish government announced the termination of financial compensation for individuals offering accommodation and food to people displaced from Ukraine in private homes, starting from 1 July 2024.

Currently, this allowance - of PLN 40 (approximately EUR 9) per person, per day - can be paid for a maximum of 120 days (or longer in specific cases). Plans were also announced to cease payment of the one-off financial allowance of PLN 300 (approximately EUR 70) per person to those fleeing Ukraine, and there is to be a change to the system to ensure that more people displaced from Ukraine contribute to the cost of the assistance they receive.

The discontinuation of financial support for private hosts of people displaced from Ukraine does not indicate a complete stoppage of support for forced migrants from Ukraine. This group will still be eligible for financial support when living in collective accommodation centres that are operated on the basis of agreements with voivodes (provinces) or municipalities. 

The proposed amendment has already been discussed during meetings with voivodes, the Consul of Ukraine in Poland, the Joint Commission of Government and local governments and organisations supporting refugees in Poland. A meeting with NGOs and international organisations is scheduled for 9 April 2024, as part of broad public consultations.


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Magdalena Lesinska
Country Coordinator

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