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08 December 2023

Italy: Grants for integration pathways for unaccompanied minors

Flag of Italy

The PERCORSI 4 project is to reopen its grants application procedure for initiatives organising integration pathways for unaccompanied minors. 750 grants are available in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

PERCORSI 4 is a project from the General Directorate for Immigration and Integration Policies within the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. It is implemented by Anpal Servizi spa, which organises integrated social and labour insertion pathways for unaccompanied foreign minors (UAMs) and young migrants up to 24 years of age who arrived in Italy as UAMs.

The pathways are based on the "individual grant" instrument, which guarantees the provision of a range of support services for the enhancement and development of skills, social and labour insertion and guidance towards autonomy. An integral part of the pathways are six-month work placements, which can be extended for a further six months. The grants are available for the implementation of pathways in the five target regions of the Complementary Operational Programme "LEGALITÀ" 2014 - 2020.

The application period will run from 8 January - 4 June 2024. Applications must be submitted by email to, with "Progetto Percorsi 4 - Riapertura Termini" as their subject.


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Posted by
Ferruccio Pastore
Country Coordinator

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