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Estonia: Opinion Festival discussion on integration

Flag of Estonia

Work in Estonia invites everyone to a public discussion on integration that will take place as part of the Opinion Festival in Paide.

The topic of the discussion will be "Endless integration - is Estonia open?". It will address the following questions:

  • How do migrants who have moved to Estonia settle in; how do they manage?
  • Why have we been talking about integration for 3 decades - shouldn't it be 'done' by now?

Clichés around migrants living in the country will also be addressed, along with perception and performance of 'openness' in society.

Migrants living in Estonia who have had experience of integration processes will also be invited to share their thoughts and stories. The discussion will be moderated by Neeme Raud, a journalist and Estonian who has lived abroad for a long time.

Practical information

Muutuva ühiskonna ala, Keskväljak 15, Paide
Work in Estonia
Posted by
Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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