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15 October 2020

AMIF Funding Call 2020: Victims of trafficking in human beings


AMIF, the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, is calling for funding proposals for projects that address assistance, support and integration of third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings.

Victims of trafficking in human beings have long been found within asylum application systems, and organised criminal groups often abuse asylum procedures in order to legalise both theirs and their victims’ status. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated people’s vulnerability to trafficking, including women and children. 

Proposals should duly take into account the impact of the COVI-19 pandemic on the integration of third country national (TCN) victims of trafficking in human beings, including in relation to their early identification, assistance and support, and in particular in relation to their special needs or vulnerabilities.

Funding will be granted for actions which are justified in relation to the integration of TCN victims of trafficking in human beings, including for example:

  • Concrete transnational assistance and support measures, including with respect to health and psychological support, to victims of trafficking in human beings, taking into account personal circumstances such as pregnancy, health issues, sex, age or disability, as well as any physical or psychological consequences of exploitation (e.g. pregnancy, psychological trauma, physical injuries), while aiming at enabling and facilitating their integration in the host society.
  • More specific measures directed for the benefit of TCN victims of trafficking, including, amongst others: education, language training, vocational training, apprenticeship programmes; job placement services, skills enhancement, workplace training and mentoring, and entrepreneurship training.
  • Initiatives for setting up and improving transnational cooperation by facilitating exchanges of experiences and best practices among relevant actors, for i) the early identification, assistance, support of TCN victims of trafficking in human beings, for their integration, and within the context of their safe and assisted voluntary return when relevant; ii) facilitating and implementing durable solutions for child victims; iii) sharing and exchanging experiences, information, knowledge and best practices on integration of TCN victims of trafficking in human beings and disseminating the results.

Taking into account the challenges in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the assistance, support and integration of TCN victims of trafficking in human beings, actions can include initiatives via online or other technological means, to the extent that they contribute to the objectives of the call.

More information on this topic is available on the European Commission's website, where proposals should be submitted by 16 February 2021 (at 17:00 Brussels time).

Learn more here about other funding opportunities within this call. 


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EU Wide
Posted by
Olivia Long
Content manager

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