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Webinar: Recognition of the qualifications of third-country nationals

A series of three webinars will take place as part of the follow-up to the European Commission's Recommendation on the recognition of qualification of third country nationals. The events, organised by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), are meant to discuss the topics raised in the recommendation.

The second webinar will take place on 28 May 2024, 10:30-12:30 CET. Registration is open online now. The webinar will focus on the simplification of the recognition processes meant to deliver faster and more effective recognition decisions for third-country nationals. The webinar will also include examples of inspiring practices and projects from the EU countries. The full agenda will be made available soon.

The Recommendation on the recognition of qualification of third country nationals was adopted in November 2023 as part of the Skills and Talent Mobility Package. It sets out recommendations to EU countries and other stakeholders meant to simplify the recognition process. Read more about these initiatives on EWSI.

The current series of webinars comes as an opportunity to connect stakeholders working in the fields of recognition, migration and integration, and employment, and to start an exchange on the challenges and solutions in the recognition of qualifications.

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Gergana Yovova
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