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Conference on migrant language education in Croatia

Flag of Croatia

The "Croatian in Croatia" conference aims to create a space for dialogue and discussion about overcoming language barriers between migrants and members of the receiving society. 

The conference is part of the AMIF-funded "Accessing services, sharing approaches and practices" (ASAP) project, co-financed by the office for civil society organisations of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.

The event, which will be divided into 2 parts, will focus on models of communication and steps taken to develop and enhance language barrier solutions. The first part will see presentations on Croatian language courses for different categories of foreigners in Croatian society (such as refugees and migrant workers), and the second will facilitate discussions - using the “world café” method - on community-translated services when providing certain services to immigrants.

Practical information

Češka besede Zagreb (Ul. Pavla Šubića 20)
Centre for Peace Studies
Posted by
Drago Zuparic
Country Coordinator

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