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European Website on Integration
04 September 2015

Sweden: Government abolishes mentor programme for migrant newcomers


Professional mentoring was one of the central features of the 2010 reform of the introduction programme for migrant newcomers. Tasked with assisting new arrivals with finding a job, the mentors were independent actors working on the instruction of the Swedish Public Employment Service. All newcomers granted asylum were able to choose a mentor via a free choice system. Payment was performance- and results-based, giving the mentors a financial incentive to assist new arrivals in being able to support themselves as soon as possible.

Following poor results and problems with unserious and even criminal mentors, the Government is now presenting a bill to the Council on Legislation which proposes a change in the law on introduction programmes from January 2016. The mentor system will be replaced with other kinds of employment services according to individual needs.


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Henrik Emilsson

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