The Swedish Migration Agency announced three funding calls for project proposals, supported by the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) 2021-2027. The calls will be open until 26 April and are aimed at projects operating in the areas of asylum, integration and return. Successful projects could receive funding to cover up to 90 percent of their total running costs.
The Swedish national programme for the European Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund has four specific objectives. In short, it aims to:
- strengthen and develop all aspects of the Common European Asylum System, including its external dimension. The programme in Sweden will contribute to a more legally secure asylum process, which is efficient, flexible and with enhanced quality for the individual.
- strengthen and develop legal migration to Member States in accordance with their economic and social needs and to promote and contribute to the effective integration and social participation of third-country nationals. The programme in Sweden will, among other things, contribute to strengthening opportunities for legal migration to Sweden, including through a more cohesive, legally secure, efficient and flexible process for legal migration and integration.
- contribute to the fight against irregular migration, strengthen an effective, secure and dignified return and readmission as well as promote and contribute to initial reintegration into third countries. The programme in Sweden will contribute to a return process which is sustainable, more efficient, humane and increases return and decreases the incentive to move to Sweden without a legal basis.
- strengthen solidarity and the fair sharing of responsibilities between Member States, particularly with regard to Member States most affected by migration and asylum challenges, including through practical cooperation. The programme in Sweden will contribute to the process of resettlement and, if necessary, to the humanitarian reception and redistribution of asylum seekers.
Further information on application conditions for these funding calls, and on specific areas of programme focus, is available here.
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