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European Website on Integration
10 March 2015

Spain: Open call for the development of programs directed to immigrants


The Directorate General for Migration announces grants for the development of programs:
- promoting real and effective conditions for freedom and equality for immigrants;
- removing obstacles that prevent or hinder their participation in political, economic, cultural or social life.
In this context, programs that take into account the specific characteristics and needs of women, youth, children, elderly, illiterate or disabled persons, or victims of torture, trafficking and smuggling will be prioritized.

This call will fund projects that are included within the following activities:

  1. Programs to acquire basic knowledge of the language, history, institutions, organization, culture and the framework for coexistence of Spanish society, to facilitate their participation in it.
  2. Programs to promote the integration of children and youth in the education system and ensure equal access to it, as a key instrument of their active participation in society.
  3. Programs to coordinate the study and treatment of specific needs in the area of health.
  4. Programs specifically aimed at women.
  5. Programs to promote equal treatment and non-discrimination in Spanish society.
  6. Programs for identifying experiences and good practices in previous programs and actions to be shared with other Member States.

The maximum amount of the grant subsidy is of 4,500,000.00 euros. The programs will be co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). AMIF co-funding may reach 75% of the total cost of the subsidized program. The total cost of the projects will have to be equal or greater than 20,000 euros and less than 115,000 euros.

The grant programs will have to be implemented between July 1 and December 31 2015.

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Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator

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