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24 August 2023

Slovakia: Support for access to education for children displaced from Ukraine

Flag of Slovakia

Many of those currently living in Slovakia having been displaced from Ukraine are experiencing financial difficulties, regardless of their legal status and nationality. For some, these difficulties including not being able to receive child benefit payments (“Prídavok na dieťa”).

Through the 'Cash for child development and education' programme, UNICEF - in collaboration with UNHCR - is providing support to cover education and childcare costs for all refugees (including beneficiaries of temporary protection), asylum seekers, and stateless persons in Slovakia who are parents or guardians of a child. 

The programme provides cash support to facilitate access to learning and childcare for children aged 0 - 17 who are not receiving from child benefit payments. It aims to help with school-related expenses, such as primary school supplies, school meals, transportation, extracurricular activities, and furbishing child spaces for learning.

Applications for UNICEF cash assistance must be submitted here before 1 September 2023.


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Posted by
Martina Sekulova
Country Coordinator

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