The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, and family of the Slovak Republic opened a call for proposals of projects within the funding scheme "Integration of third-country nationals including migrants" (NP Integration). NP Integration is a component of “Program Slovakia,” funded by the ESF+.
The specific objective of NP Integration is to support the social and economic integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) in Slovakia. A total of €4 316 400 has been allocated under this call.
Eligible applicants include local authorities, civil society organisations, charities, and legal entities. The project's main activity and sub-activities are being implemented from 1 January 2024 - 30 June 2026, for a maximum duration of 24 months.
The target groups of the call are as follows:
- TCNs with legal residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic
- Asylum seekers
- International protection holders (persons granted asylum - refugees - and subsidiary protection)
- Applicants for temporary protection and temporary protection holders
- Citizens in cities and towns where foreigners live and work
- Employees of state and public administration
- Employees of non-governmental and non-profit organisations
- Children 'in need'
Eligible activities under the call include:
- Provision of general information and counseling, particularly employment, education, healthcare, housing, social security, and legal rights.
- Delivery of activities and programmes aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of integration, particularly in areas related to employment, education, healthcare (including psychological and social support), housing, social security, culture, sports, and the general exercise of legal rights.
- Activities and programmes at the community level and community organising.
- Information and awareness activities aimed at the general public.
- Provision of instruction and supportive, methodological, and coordination activities.
Applications are being assessed on an ongoing basis until the allocated funds are spent. A list of approved and rejected applications is published continuously at monthly intervals, no later than the last day of the month following the month the applications were received.
You can find more information on the call's website or in the attached document.
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- Geographic area
- Slovakia
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