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09 October 2024

Portugal: Network of migrant integration centres continues to expand

Flag of Portugal

Two new Local Support Centres for Migrant Integration (CLAIMs) were opened - on 1 and 9 October - in Aveiro and Marinha Grande in Portugal. The former was established by NGO Casa Vera Cruz, in partnership with the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), and the latter through an agreement between the municipality and AIMA.

The expansion of the national CLAIM network is an item in the country's Migration Action Plan, presented by the national government earlier this year. The plan defines the integration of migrants as being a fundamental pillar of national regulatory policy, more humane and demonstrative of respect for the fundamental rights of foreign citizens. CLAIM centres promote migrant integration by offering support with Portuguese language learning, employment, education, and access to health care services.


Publication dates
Aveiro and Marinha Grande
Geographic area
Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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