In Luxembourg, CET (Centre pour l'Egalité de Traitement) is the equal rights body according to the EU antidiscrimination directives.
CET is based on the law of 28 November 2006.
Since its creation, CET had limited human and financial means and little legal power, i.e. CET cannot bring an affair to court.
The independence of CET has been reinforced passing under the authority of the Parliament instead of the Ministry of Family (law of 7 November 2017).
CET's funding went from 389,109 € in 2019 to 480,842 € in 2020.
The presentation in Luxembourg of the FRA report Being Black in Europe resulted in the following initiative from civil society:
Open letter to the Prime Minister and to the Chair of the House.
Give more means to the National Equality Body CET
A large platform of civil society organisations ask the Government and the House to improve the means of the National Equality Body CET.
As half of the country's population are foreigners, discrimination and racism are part of their reality as the FRA report Being black in Europe demonstrated.
Instead of creating a new antidiscrimination body, the promoters of this open letter ask to improve the existing CET by enabling them to bring cases to court.
- 4 motion
- APL - Amitié Plurielle Luxembourg
- ASTI – Association de soutien aux travailleurs immigrés
- CCDH – Commission consultative des Droits de l’Homme
- CCPL – Confédération de la Communauté portugaise au Luxembourg
- CEFIS – Centre d’étude et de formation interculturelles et sociales
- CERCLE de Coopération des ONGD
- CIGALE – Centre d’information Gay et Lesbien
- CLAE – Comité de Liaison des Associations d’étrangers
- CNFL – Conseil national des femmes du Luxembourg
- FAEL – Fédération des associations d’espagnols du Luxembourg
- FINKAPÉ – Réseau afrodescendant Luxembourg
- Info-Handicap
- LCGB – Confédération luxembourgeoise des syndicats chrétiens
- Maison des associations
- MémoShoa Luxembourg asbl
- Musée National de la Résistance
- Nëmme mat eis !
- Observatoire de l’islamophobie
- Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher
- RYSE – Refugee youth support & empowerment
- Rosa Lëtzebuerg
- Time for equality
- Publication dates
- Geographic area
- Luxembourg
- Source
- Posted by