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European Website on Integration
04 October 2023

Greece: A help desk for the integration of refugees

Flag of Greece

The Directorate of Social Integration of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in Greece has created a “Help Desk for Social Integration” service for beneficiaries of international protection.

The service responds to social integration-related requests, such as on access to Greek language courses, job counseling, housing, the tax identification number (ΑΦΜ), the social security number (AMKA), and so on. It provides information related to social integration project Helios and the Migrant Integration Centres (M.I.C), and on the rights and obligations of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece. 

Those wishing to submit a request must complete the relevant form, and can select a preference for a response in either Greek or English. 

A leaflet was also published summarising the requests received by the Help Desk since it began in March 2022: 259 in total. The majority of these concerned other services of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum, with some being answered directly by the Help Desk and the rest forwarded to the relevant service.

The summary outlines the following trends in requests received:

  • Requests relating to specific integration issues
  • Requests relating to issues with temporary protection status and integration 
  • Requests forwarded to the Asylum Service
  • Requests forwarded to the Directorate of Migration Policy and Directorate of Residence Permits
  • Requests forwarded to the Reception and Identification Service
  • Requests forwarded to the Aliens Bureau and Immigration of Decentralised Administrations
  • Requests forwarded to International Organisation for Migration
  • Requests to other services of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum
Information leaflet Help Desk 2022
(1007.34 KB - PDF)


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