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European Website on Integration
05 August 2010

Call for applications: Migrants, actors of solidarity - Financial and methodological support for migrant and diaspora associations in Belgium


Migrant communities are notable for their strong tradition of mutual help. For a number of years, immigrants have created organizations that go beyond strategies of survival and individual solidarity and become real actors for living together and development.

Through its campaign ‘Migrants, actors of solidarity’, the King Baudouin Foundation wishes to support the efforts of organizations born out of migration and develop their capacities to lead initiatives that encourage citizen involvement, mutual aid and migrants’ social and cultural participation in Belgium.

The Foundation’s support combines project funding, exchange of good practice and technical assistance.

In December 2009 an independent jury selected 28 projects. Given the success of the first campaign, the call for projects was re-launched in July 2010.

Target group

An association or a group of immigrants whose country of origin is outside the European Union, but which is established in Belgium. Both not for profit and de facto associations may submit an application. A partnership with another association, a school, a CPAS, a local authority or other body is considered to be a plus, as long as the project leader is a migrant or diaspora organization.


- Launching the call: 15/07/2010
- Deadline for submisson of application forms: 08/11/2010
- Announcement of the selection by an independent jury: 20/12/2010

Financial support

Between €2,500 and €7,500



Source: King Baudouin Foundation


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Posted by
Katy Kefferputz

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